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We are so thankful that you are interested in knowing more about membership at Antioch Columbus.


Membership at ABC is more than just a formal process – it’s about belonging to a community that loves God, loves one another, and is passionate about reaching out to the world.

Why Become a Member:

  • Belonging: Experience the joy of being part of a diverse and supportive community united by faith.

  • Growth: Deepen your relationship with God and others through worship, small groups, and discipleship.

  • Service: Use your unique gifts and talents to serve the church and the wider community.

  • Accountability: Grow spiritually with the support and guidance of fellow believers.


Steps to Membership:

  1. Connect with us: Share your faith journey and ask any questions you might have about our church.

  2. Affirm Our Beliefs: Understand and agree with our statement of faith and church covenant.

  3. Get Involved: Start participating in small groups, ministries, and church events to build relationships and serve others.

  4. Celebrate Membership: Officially join our church family in a special membership ceremony.


Membership Expectations:


  • Worship Regularly: Attend Sunday services and engage in our communal worship experiences.

  • Grow Spiritually: Participate in worship, bible studies, and prayer meetings.

  • Serve Faithfully: Volunteer in church ministries and community outreach programs.

  • Give Generously: Support the church through tithes, offerings, and other contributions.

  • Live Out Your Faith: Strive to embody the teachings of Jesus in your daily life.



Becoming a member of Antioch Columbus means committing to a journey of faith, fellowship, and service.

We are excited to walk this path with you and see how God will work in and through you as part of our church family. For more information or to start your membership journey

speak with a member of the ministerial staff.

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